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Life Coaching is a form of PERSONAL CONSULTATION in which a highly experienced and insightful person, called a LIFE COACH, supports a client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing advice, guided motivation and an organized plan to achieve desired outcomes and goals.

Best Friend Life Coaching is MUCH WARMER and FAR LESS FORMAL than other forms of Life Coaching. A trusted friendship between Thomas and the client is quickly formed, and Thomas will offer advice, guidance and a realistic plan to achieve clearly defined goals.

The best friend life coaching process relies on trust, discipline and the client being accountable to me for each step towards success. A common tactic in the Life Coaching business is to keep clients "married" to Life Coaching to keep the clients paying. In Best Friend Life Coaching, my goal is to deal with one issue at a time, and get the client to implement what has been taught and discussed usually within

1-3 months. Many clients enjoy our time together so much that they want to continue being coached by me for extended periods of time.

Invariably, this leads us to a strong and trusted friendship.

In the BEST FRIEND METHOD OF LIFE COACHING, I help you to examine and organize your thoughts and issues. OPENING UP

WITH PERFECT HONESTY will save us a lot of time, and is necessary to understanding the root road blocks and associated impediments that are holding you back. Setting a series of small, bite sized goals and time objectives gives the client a realistic perspective and expectation for development and results. In this way, disappointing set backs can be minimized, and motivation can be maintained throughout the coaching process. I will constantly encourage you, support you and hold you accountable for achievements. I will coach you through the steps of unlocking the powerful untapped and unexplored parts of yourself, where your true greatness and happiness lies. BEST FRIEND LIFE COACHING IS SO SUCCESSFUL, BECAUSE I DO NOT ALLOW MY FRIENDS/CLIENTS TO FAIL. I WILL NOT ENABLE OR ACCEPT EXCUSES FOR FAILURE, AND I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU WITH EMERGENCY SESSIONS 24/7/365 IF THAT'S WHAT YOU NEED. IN OTHER WORDS, I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU, NO MATTER WHAT. MY COMMITMENT TO YOU IS ABSOLUTE.




Loneliness and social isolation are two very different, but often related things.
One can feel lonely in a room full of friends. Or one can lose the desire to socialize with others, and end up stuck in an unhealthy lifestyle of self imposed isolation. The long term societal effects of the first 2020 Covid 19 quarantine are just starting to surface now. Isolation from family, friends and work have changed the social dynamic, and pushed people into a variety of very challenging mental and emotional states. If you are stuck in a self isolating lifestyle, or are experiencing challenging states of mind due to the Covid 19 quarantine, this mode of coaching is for you. First, we start by taking a realistic look at your personality and personal socialization needs. Then we establish both short and long term socialization goals. Based on these goals, we figure out a plan to get you out of this bad place, and into a happy and healthy lifestyle. 


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Every human being on Earth experiences anxiety. PERIOD.

Anxiety takes many forms, and range from post traumatic stress disorder, to severe panic attacks, to an inability to be motivated to simply feeling impatient. Some people experience anxiety as a dark heavy feeling that follows them around all day. Some people walk through life with a sense of fear. Everything looks frightening, and even normal everyday things (like making a phone call) can be difficult. Most people experience anxiety in MANY subtle ways, that cumulatively equate to a mild to moderate LIFE DISABILITY.

If you are feeling weighed down by life, held back, or literally hijacked by anxiety, we can help. Best Friend Life Coaching is

here to help you master your anxiety. Our goal is to have you moving through your life with lighthearted happiness.



If you answer YES to 3 or more of these questions,


1. Do you have a strong compulsion to "check" your phone even when it doesn’t ring? 

2. Do you feel a sense of anxiety and being disconnected when your phone isn’t in your hand, or when you’re not online?

3. When you are spending time with friends and family, do you feel bored and turn to your phone for entertainment?

4. Do you need your phone for a feeling of being connected?

5. Are you often late or totally blow off responsibilities because you couldn’t get off your phone, iPad or computer?

6. Do you feel that your online life has become more enjoyable than your real life and interpersonal relationships?

7. Do you like your online persona better than the person you truly are?

8. Has a friend or family member ever tried talking to you about your screen time?

9. Do you feel preoccupied with your online activity (meaning that you think about previous online activity and look forward to the next online session)?

10. Does your happiness depend on positive online interactions (likes, views, reviews, followers, online reputation,

and people agreeing with things you post)?

What's happening on a screen should NEVER replace real life, friends and family. Tech addiction is causing depression,

sleep disorders, attention span problems, learning disabilities, destroying social skills, diminishing and destroying interpersonal relationships, and has darkened people's ability to experience the FULL JOY OF THE MOMENT without

looking at it through the lens of a cell phone. WORST OF ALL, tech addiction destroys countless possibilities for happiness.

If you answered yes to 3 or more of those Best Friend Life Coaching questions, you are DEFINITELY experiencing one or

more of the above listed things, and you need some coaching. 


Excessive screen time is altering human brain development, and dragging people into very dark isolated places of their hearts and minds. Constantly relating to the screen, as opposed to other human beings, is drastically diminishing people’s ability to socialize and work COLLECTIVELY with other people. 


Tech addiction is an umbrella term that includes addictions and obsessions relating to:

Social Media


Selfies and Making Videos of yourself


Online Auctions

Excessive Texting

Political News Addiction

Internet Porn


Anonymous Sex Hook Up Apps

Obsession over your on-line persona

On-Line Persona Narcissism

To put this into the proper addiction perspective, stopping the use of drugs is *THE* goal for a drug addict. Once the drug addict stops using drugs, they are considered “clean”. But the tech addicted person still needs to use the technology they are addicted to. So they can never be truly “clean”. They need to tame and control their addiction. Some Life Coaches deal with tech addiction issues by attempting to replace ‘bad’ internet activity for “good” internet activity. But trading a highly damaging internet porn addiction, for a less damaging Instagram, Facebook or Twitter addiction, still leaves the tech addicted person with a tech addiction. The impossibility of eliminating technology from our lives, often makes tech addiction more difficult to navigate and coach than a drug or alcohol addiction.


Tech addictions often speak to larger needs, control issues, laziness and the darker spiritual places of ourselves. We can control our online life with a whim and a click. Obviously, real life is NOT so easily controlled. And that's what makes tech addiction coaching so helpful. 

The Best Friend method of tech addiction coaching, is based on understanding what drives the powerful compulsions, and creating a highly disciplined plan of action. Thomas will coach you with great understanding and support, and will hold you accountable to the plan of action via 2-3 FULL SESSIONS PER WEEK, AND DAILY MINI SESSIONS. Success in tech addiction coaching usually takes 60-90 days. As this type of coaching requires a tremendous time commitment from Thomas, he can only take on 5 tech addiction clients at a time in his weekly schedule. Because of this, there is sometimes a short wait for new clients. So please contact us A.S.A.P..


Some people wrestle with "laziness" their whole life. And this "laziness" stops their development, and steals their success.  

But in reality, it's usually NOT laziness. It's usually either a MOTIVATION ISSUE, or a situation where the person gets STUCK

in one place in their life. 

In MOTIVATION COACHING, we examine the wants and needs of a person, through the lens of who they are AT THIS POINT in their life.

We explore the real and imaginary impediments that are holding them back, and how to navigate those real and imagined issues. 

Ones level of education, culture, socioeconomic status, life interests, goals and life pressures all contribute to what MOTIVATES them. In motivation coaching, we explore these aspects of the client, and together we create a MOTIVATIONAL PLAN TO GET THEM UNSTUCK AND MOVING FORWARD. 




In Dating Coaching we first explore

1) What do you bring to the table for another person. Assessing the personal, socioeconomic and cultural issues associated with dating.  

2) What you think you are ready for vs what you are truly ready for.

3) What you need vs what you want in a relationship. Wants and needs are very different things.
4) Healthy dating strategies for your lifestyle and future?
5) Where/how are you finding people to date?

6) Methods of quickly assessing people types, so you don't waste your time with dead end relationships. 

7) If and when your date(s) should meet your friends and family? 

Once the above 7 fundamental things are explored, we will create a FUN DATING PLAN for you to implement.

Large companies approach finding a new CEO in a careful systematic way, and hunters know where to hunt to 

find different types of prey. So once we establish what you need and what you want in your DREAM PERSON, we will

systematically work to find them! Remember that finding the right person equals happiness. So stop wasting time,

and lets go hunting for your SOUL MATE in a systematic way!



Best Friend Relationship Coaching is a GREAT IDEA for people who are considering making a relationship more serious and have misgivings about it, or for people who are struggling in a relationship. There are 4 aspects to Best Friend Relationship Coaching:

1) Pre-Commitment Coaching is for individuals and/or couples who are considering marriage or a long term alternative relationship.

2) Couples who are having communication issues.

3) Couples who fight excessively or to intensely. 

4) Individuals in a relationship who are having a problem remaining committed to the relationship (cheating).

The key to a healthy long term relationship/marriage is good communication skills and working together as a TEAM to give each other everything needed to be content, satisfied and happy in the relationship. Once both people are consciously working for each others happiness, opportunities necessary for success easily present themselves. All relationships have solvable problems and unsolvable problems. Understanding the difference, and knowing how to approach problems together is absolutely necessary for ones happiness in the context of a long term relationship.


If any of this describes your relationship, we can help.



1) Pre Divorce Coaching: Can this relationship be repaired?

If so, we figure out the plan to fix it. If not, we figure out the path of least resistance to make this very difficult and painful process go as easy as humanly possible on everyone involved. Pre Divorce coaching involves a deep examination of needs, wants, problems, your family, your religious views, your culture, financial realities and of course the way each spouse expresses their thoughts, feelings, intimacy and love. 


2) Divorce Communication Coaching (DROPPING THE BOMBS WITH GREAT CARE!!!): If you want/need a divorce, chances are there is something greatly lacking in the way you and your spouse communicate. What do I say? How do I say it? When do I tell him/her? Telling your spouse that you want a divorce can be likened to shooting them with a gun! You will hurt them badly, and send their life into a tailspin. Your words will be permanently burned into their mind, and everything will change from that moment on. Being told that your spouse wants to divorce you, is perhaps the ULTIMATE REJECTION a person can suffer. Obviously, you will also be hurting and affecting the future of your children, family and friends. So there are important tactics within this painful initial conversation, that will help to soften the blow, and make your spouse hopefully more receptive and accepting. Subsequent conversations will equate to working through a grieving process, so having a well thought out strategic plan is absolutely necessary. Understanding how things should be timed is intrinsically important as well. The goal is getting from point A to point B with as little pain and injury as possible.


3) Divorce Process Coaching: In Divorce Process Coaching, we work on strategies to MITIGATE THE FIGHTING AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE, AND WORK THROUGH THINGS BY REASONABLE NEGOTIATION. If negotiations are impossible, and lawyers are necessary, we work on strategies to WIN THE FIGHT, and get through the fight with a minimal amount of damage. Dealing with the intense emotions involved in court battles is difficult. Suffering children and emotionally charged family members, and mutual friends WILL of course greatly compliment things. Divorce Process Coaching will help you to compartmentalize issues and feelings, so you can approach things on an individual basis with a clear heart and mind. 


4) Post Divorce Coaching: What pieces should you pick up and take with you, and what pieces should you dump, to build a new happy and fulfilling life. Post Divorce coaching will greatly speed up your healing process, and help to prevent deep emotional scars that affect the rest of your life. 


5) Children in Divorce Coaching: This phase of divorce coaching is very delicate and requires the full cooperation and involvement of at least one parent. Naturally, the involvement of both parents is preferable. The child/children will be coached to UNDERSTAND, HEAL, FORGIVE, AND MOVE FORWARD. Without proper coaching, many children suffer life long scars from divorce and dysfunctional family situations. 

WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT CLIENTS BE COACHED THROUGH ALL 5 ASPECTS OF DIVORCE COACHING. Doing things properly from the start will make everything else easier. Unfortunately most of our clients find us AFTER numerous mistakes have been made, and things get ugly. So please get in touch with us ASAP.  

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OVER 60 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE USA suffer in emotionally and/or physically abusive relationships with someone who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). In best friend Life Coaching, we commonly refer these abusers as "NARCS". So how do you know you are dealing with a Narc?

The NARC has a grandiose sense of self-importance.

The NARC lives in a fantasy world that supports their delusions of grandeur.

The NARC is never wrong. 

The NARC will never admit a mistake or shortcoming in a significant way. It's all lip service. 

The NARC needs constant praise and admiration, and are internally intimidated by anyone who is better than them at anything. 

The NARC has a warped sense of entitlement. As if they always deserve special treatment and accommodations. 

The NARC SHAMELESSLY exploits others without guilt, for their own benefit. 

The NARC will engage in TARGETING. They WILL hurt or destroy anyone who doesn't bend to their will, calls them out on things they said and did, or who exposes their disorder. 

The NARC frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, or belittles others.

The NARC will LOVE BOMB you to get you back, so they can abuse you again. 

The NARC has no social limits and will say and do anything to "win". The NARC defines winning as getting away with whatever they want.

The NARC is a MASTER of dishonest word salad. They will spin and twist things to make things look the opposite of what they truly are. 

The NARC regularly engages in PROJECTION (Projecting THEIR OWN faults, attitudes, bad actions onto others.).
The NARC employs TRIANGULATION tactics (Bringing in 3rd parties to work against someone the NARC has targeted.).

The NARC has no empathy for others. They hurt people and have no feelings of remorse.

In short, the NARC should be regarded as an evil vampire. Once they drain you of all your energy, love, money and power, they will cast you aside. Malignant Narcissism is 99% impossible to treat, so they are incapable of change. Being in a relationship OF ANY KIND with a NARC, is very unhealthy. PERIOD! In Best Friend Life Coaching, we help people create a plan to escape the grasp of the NARC, and heal from the damage done. We recognize the multidimensional nature of the damage, and have numerous coaching strategies for healing and moving on to a happy life. If parting ways with the NARC is impossible, we have numerous strategies to help you manage the situation. 

If you are stuck in a bad living situation, and your credit card bill and phone are being monitored by the Narc, we can work out alternate payment options and methods of contact for you. WE ARE HERE TO HELP YOU, AS A BEST FRIEND SHOULD. If you are still reading this, you should probably reach out to us NOW. 

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We all have one or two people in our life that we HATE. We loath them because of something they did or said. Forgiving is difficult.

VERY DIFFICULT. Especially when someone hurt you INTENTIONALLY. Anxiety, depression, failure, mental drain, spiritual degradation 

and becoming "stuck" at one point in your life, are all possible results of not forgiving and letting go. Forgiveness and letting go of the past is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for your ability to move forward, be happy and walk through life with a sense of internal peace.

Forgiveness does not necessarily mean keeping the other person or situation in your life. But sometimes, we are stuck with that person, job or situation. Sometimes our hate isn't based in reality at all. Sometimes perception and communication problems fuel our hate.

Together we will ascertain the realities of what happened/what's happening, what that means to your life, and the best way to move forward with a peaceful mind. More importantly, your heart and mind will be freed from this hurt, anger and unforgiveness. Before entering into this mode of Best Friend Life Coaching, YOU MUST WANT TO FORGIVE, LET GO AND GET PAST THIS. If your situation involves 2 or more people wrestling with hate or negativity towards each other, we will coach all parties BEFORE negotiating happiness and forgiveness between the parties. 


Happiness is a feeling. And feelings are subjective and fleeting. One persons happiness is another persons misery. So in Happiness/Fulfillment coaching, we Coach the feeling of happiness. This may seem strange, but quite often, people simply forget and lose touch with the feeling of happiness. Forgetting how to be happy could be caused by a sense of toiling through life failures for too long, or a massive life change (a death, a loss of money, a horrible crime, etc...). Happiness/Fulfillment coaching involves us taking a deep dive into EXACTLY what is blocking your happiness, and sense of fulfillment in your life. Once we can identify your "HAPPINESS BLOCKS" we can prepare you to attract and create happiness, and good things in your life. 


Educational Coaching is for people of all ages who want to turbo charge their ability to learn.

If you/your child is having a problem in school, or if you want to focus your education towards a certain career/life goal Education Coaching is for you/your child. 


1) Study habits. 

2) Test taking skills.

3) How to pay attention in class.

4) Staying motivated to learn.

5) The relationship between Education and your future.

6) What do YOU want to be when I grow up? Understanding how to focus your natural talents and interests into the right career choice.

7) Where school should I go to?

8) Strategies to getting into the best colleges.

9) Balancing school, work and your social life.

10) How to learn from your mistakes, and the mistakes of others.

11) Learning wisdom from everyday life and observation.

12) How to integrate everything into a wholistic life philosophy for synergistic learning. Understanding the interconnectedness of all things makes ALL learning much easier.

* You will be coached on the aspects that apply to your educational goals. 


Health and Fitness Coaching is for those who want to lose weight, get in shape, feel good and improve general health. 

Its very difficult to wade through the voluminous amount of fitness fads that don't work, unqualified trainers selling lies, and multimillion dollar ad campaigns selling garbage. 

As the former coach of the USA Karate Team, professional trainer to countless law enforcement officers, and PROFESSIONAL MEMBER of the American College of Sports Medicine, Thomas knows EXACTLY how to design a custom made diet and exercise program that is specifically tailored to your current fitness starting point, your body type, lifestyle and eating habits.  Simply put, this is your last stop. THOMAS WILL NOT LET YOU FAIL AGAIN. He will stick with you, cheer you on, and hold you accountable for your progress. 


1) Understanding how your body gains and loses weight, and develops good muscle tone.

2) Understanding the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic training.

3) Understanding yourself and what WILL motivate you.

4) How to get started from where you are, so there are ABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSES.

5) How to keep it interesting and remaining motivated through the all the mental ups and downs of a fitness journey. 

6) How to finally make exercise and proper eating a PERMANENT LIFE STYLE.

7) How to be kind to your body (dealing with injuries, handicaps, disabilities and training modifications).


Elite level athletes, and those striving to become elite level athletes, are often plagued with numerous issues that hold back their process. These problems usually manifest as a lack of motivation, a loss of confidence, slumps in performance, losing games/matches, anxiety, depression and difficulties in interpersonal relationships with their coaches, trainers, friends and family members.  


1) Stress Reduction and Anxiety Management

2) Increasing your mental focus and concentration in training and competition. 

3) Bettering communication with family, friends, training staff and medical professionals.

4) Realistic goal setting.

5) Unlocking your hidden potential through visualization training.

6) Controlling the echo chamber of your mind. Talking to yourself properly.

7) Interpersonal relationships between team members and team building.

8) Management of time and energy. 

9) Dealing with Injuries and approaching Physical Therapy with the proper attitude. 

10) The Athlete/Coach Relationship.


The mind is like a computer in many ways. Simply put, the mind requires proper programming to function properly. Bad programming causes malfunctions, slow functions and freeze ups that require rebooting. Like a computer, the mind also requires the proper amount of energy to function properly. Too much power will blow out the computer, and with too little power, the computer won't even turn on. 

Like a computer, the mind can get "viruses" that destroy healthy ways of thinking and correct reasoning. 


GUIDED MEDITATION AND VISUALIZATION COACHING allows our clients to reprogram their mind, so "viruses" are destroyed, and the correct amounts of thought power goes to the right places. 

Many clients enjoy doing guided meditation and visualization before they go to sleep at night. Settling and programming the mind for success and achieving goals right before going to sleep. This timing allows those powerful good and healthy thoughts to become more easily embedded in ones consciousness. 


1) Clearly establishing your goals and the impediments to your goals.

2) Clearly establishing the path to success.
3) Conscious full body relaxation techniques.

4) Visualizations of going through the process of achieving your goals.

5) Seeing yourself overcoming your obstacles.

6) Converting negative energy into positive energy.

7) Achieving one small goal at a time, until you have achieved your larger goals. 



Parenting in the 21s century is more complicated than any other time in world history. Covid isolation, negative social media influences, 

societal conflicts, crime, single parent homes, complex family issues, a failing education system and financial difficulties all drastically

effect our children. Most parents are sincerely not equipped to manage all the above, their child's life/behavioral issues, PLUS their own life/work/relationships etc...


In BEST FRIEND PARENT COACHING, we dig into each individual issue and clearly define the root problems that caused the issues.

Once those problems are correctly identified, we work with the children and parent(s) to make a strategic plan for success.

All parties are held accountable to stick to the plan, and the plan is usually adjusted along the way as needed. 

If you are considering Parent Coaching, we STRONGLY SUGGEST you contact us sooner than later. The longer problems go on for, the worse the problems become. THERE IS NO BENEFIT IN WAITING! And if you are reading this, you probably already want to rip your hair

out and go postal. So lets set up a FREE 15 minute consultation to see how we can help. It's probably time for a professional coach.


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Sex in the context of a long term relationship or marriage is often difficult to keep fun and interesting. Most of the time, sexual issues boil down to larger communication issues, trust, and fear of harsh or unfair judgements. One or both partners often have desires they feel too afraid or embarrassed to express. This can lead to someone going outside of the relationship to fulfill desires, that could easily be fulfilled at home with their spouse. Long term relationship sex coaching is a great vehicle to open up the floodgates of great sex in long term relationships and marriages. 

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70% of men and 30% of women watch porn DAILY.

There is porn on 2/3 of all work computers.

Porn sites stream 10X the amount of bandwidth as NetFlix,

and alone streams 6X the bandwidth as Hulu.

Porno is everywhere, and is THE most addicting form of entertainment. You most probably have a porn addiction if

you are experiencing ANY of the following:

1) Watching Porn interferes with things you need to do.

2) When you watch Porn, you lose track of time for hours.

3) You feel mentally compelled to Porn surf. You NEED it. 

4) The content you view is becoming more and more hardcore.

5) Sex has become boring because it's not fantasy based porn sex, and you have become more demanding in your desires. 

6) You don't even want to have sex, because Porn is better for you.

7) Your partner is less attractive to you, because they don't live up to the image of your porno fantasy partners. 

8) Physical body pain from being in the same position during excessive masturbation.

9) You would rather watch Porn than spend time with family/friends.

10) You are distracted and unfocused.

11) You are losing money.

12) You started using drugs and/or sex toys to chase the "ultimate" orgasm.

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SEX ADDICTION (Women and Men)

It is estimated that 10-30 MILLION Americans (10% of men and 7% of women) have a sex addiction. To put this into perspective, 18 million Americans suffer from depression. So Sex addiction is far more common than most people can imagine.


Sex addiction and Porn addiction are two different things, but these addictions usually go hand in hand, because when the Porn addiction reaches a certain level, the person needs to make their fantasies a reality. And Sex addicts often try to satisfy their desires through Porn if a sex partner is not available. So these two addictions are usually working in tandem to greatly affect

a persons life, jeopardize their safety, and affect their future. 

Sex addiction refers to a spectrum of promiscuous sexual behaviors, done is excess, that have a tremendous negative impact on one's life. There are no precise categories for Sex addictions, because many times the behaviors are overlapping. Sex addictions include Pornography, Prostitution, excessive masturbation, BDSM, Exhibitionism/Voyeurism, and countless other excessive sexual pursuits.

You most probably have a sex addiction if you are experiencing ANY of the following:

1) You think about Sex constantly, and focus on people from a sexual point of view, BEFORE any other points of view.

2) You use hook up apps. 

3) You go out to clubs/bars for the sole purpose of hooking up.

4) You have sex with strangers.

5) You need to have sex with multiple partners.

6) You sex drive supersedes your safety.

7) You get easily  bored or obsessed with your sex partners.

8) You lie and engage in deceptions to have sex.

9) You feel disgusting after your sexual encounters, and promise yourself not to do it again.... But then you do it again, and again. 

10) You feel like something else inside of you is controlling your Sexual urges. 

Best Friend Life Coaching maintains a policy of ABSOLUTE PRIVACY and 100% CONFIDENTIALITY.

Life Coaching is NOT a form of psychological treatment or therapy, but can be very helpful in supporting people who are wrestling with psychological issues. Psychologists/Psychiatrists and Life Coaches often work together to provide a client with treatment, maximal support and a multidimensional plan for success.  

Life coaching is a form of personal consulting, and should never be confused as a form of psychotherapy or treatment for mental illness. 



Best Friend Life Coaching

Thomas Casale, Founder/Coach


© 2020 Thomas Casale's Best Friend Life Coaching

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